Sunday, October 28, 2007

Swift action from SSA lorryloader helps Ruby Park couple to minimise fire damage

David and Heather Ince will never forget Sanitation worker John Broome; he prevented their Ruby Park home and contents being lost to fire, thanks to the quick thinking of Mr Broome while collecting refuse in the St Philip district.

John Broome, who’s worked in Ruby Park with his crew for the last 12 years, explained how he saw smoke at this house and he stopped the truck to investigate, he then knocked and shouted all around the home to see if anyone was inside – after no response, he asked a gardener next door if he could borrow a hose.

The brave lorryloader took off his headscarf and doused it with water and tied it around his face, then got into the house by pushing out the metal jalousies of the kitchen window and he proceeded to wet down the oven and microwave as the smoke was coming from this area. By the time the Fire Department arrived the smoke was abated.

When Mr Ince returned 45 minutes later, he learned only a bathroom door was charred along with some clothes – he commented how lucky they were as they just finished paying their property insurance.

Mrs Ince was relieved to learn their home’s structural integrity remained intact and the majority of its contents were untouched.

Mr Broome then continued the rest of his collections for that day, later on; neighbours at Ruby Park told Mr Ince that it was thanks to the speedy response of SSA lorryloader John Broome who rescued his home from a serious disaster.

Mr Ince called the SSA to get the name of the persons who saved his property, and he learned it was John Broome who used his initiative. The Inces asked to meet Mr Broome, to thank him profusely.

This morning they met at the SSA’s Wildey Depot, Mr and Mrs Ince said they could never forget his kind deed and thanked him once again and will stay in touch with the brave man.

Mr Broome, who’s a National Dominoes player for the SSA, says he is always happy to do a good deed, as he knows would expect the same vigilance from his neighbours if his place were in danger.

SSA Management is proud of Mr Broome’s quick actions.